Jim Connolly
Immediate Past President European Society Emergency Medicine
Mr Jim Connolly MBBS FRCS ( Ed) FRCS ( Glas) FCEM PGCert ( Em US) CFEU
Great North Trauma and Emergency Centre
Immediate past President European Society Emergency Medicine
Previous Chair RCEM Ultrasound Group and EUSEM Ultrasound Section
Jim is a Consultant working in one of the UK’s busiest Major Trauma Centres and Emergency Departments He was amongst the first ED Physicians in the UK to adopt Point of Care Ultrasound, running his first course in 2001 and has directed and taught on over 50 International Courses
He has co-authored 2 books on Ultrasound including Ultrasound in Emergency Care and written a number of chapters.
He has been involved in teaching and assessing performance on point of care Ultrasound and creating innovative teaching.
“ I believe Point of Care US is a major disruptive technology which will fundamentally change how we practice medicine over the next 20 years. To those who consider me a little obsessed by Ultrasound I would like to point out that I don’t just do Ultrasound……I do echo as well!!”